"Eugene Elliott, Bowen Field House Dedicatory Address, 1955" by Eugene Elliott
Eugene Elliott, Bowen Field House Dedicatory Address, 1955


Eugene Elliott, Bowen Field House Dedicatory Address, 1955


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Eugene Elliott was President of Michigan State Normal College and Eastern Michigan University from 1949-1965. In this address at the dedication of Bowen Field House, Elliott thanks all those who lent a hand in the planning, funding, and building of the structure. The new facility, he says, will meet the needs of a rapidly growing student body, as well as strengthen the values of students while it is being used 10-14 hours per day.

Speech Date



Eugene Elliott, Michigan State Normal College, Bowen Field House, physical education, Wilbur Bowen

Permission To Use:

Permission to Use - Permission to quote from this speech should be requested from the University Archives ( lib_archives@emich.edu).​

Eugene Elliott, Bowen Field House Dedicatory Address, 1955
