United States Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Address to NTEC, Somalia, 1968
Hubert Humphrey served as 38th United States Vice President to President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1965-1969. This address occurred during Humphrey’s extended tour of Africa in 1968, and was given to the faculty and students of the National Teachers Education Center - an institution which employed many Eastern Michigan University faculty as supervisors and consultants. In this address, Humphrey expounds upon the importance of a well-rounded education, stating that the purpose of education was the emancipation from fear and suspicion.
Speech Date
Hubert Humphrey, Thomas Jefferson, Somalia, University of Minnesota, University of Wyoming, University of Virginia
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Recommended Citation
Humphrey, Hubert, "United States Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Address to NTEC, Somalia, 1968" (1968). Speeches. 46.