"James Brickley, Address to the Fall Faculty Conference, 1976" by James H. Brickley
James Brickley, Address to the Fall Faculty Conference, 1976


James Brickley, Address to the Fall Faculty Conference, 1976


Streaming Media


Brickley served as United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan and as Lieutenant Governor of Michigan from 1971 to 1975 and again from 1979 to 1983 under Governor William Milliken. From 1975 until 1978 he was president of Eastern Michigan University. In this annual address to Eastern Michigan University faculty, Brickley outlines the difficulties facing EMU, naming two major areas of concern: continuing fiscal austerity, and continuing problems in enrollment. Brickley speaks on the causes and effects of the present budget crunch, detailing all programs cut, and the stripping down of several other programs. The ability to “move with the market,” Brickley says, is essential to surviving the fiscal difficulties then facing EMU.

Speech Date



NCA Evaluation, James H. Brickley, Eastern Michigan University, Land Use Management, Detroit, Wayne State University, college enrollment trends, collective bargaining, AAUP

Permission To Use:

Permission to Use - Permission to quote from this speech should be requested from the University Archives ( lib_archives@emich.edu).​

James Brickley, Address to the Fall Faculty Conference, 1976
