The organization of turn-taking in fieldwork settings: A case study

Amy Brunett


This linguistic study explores the role of turn-taking within 3 fieldwork sessions between a lin-guist and a native Mocho’ speaker, aiming to address who overlaps more frequently and whether overlapping speech is a cooperative or competitive resource throughout the exchanges. I ques-tioned whether the fieldwork recordings would have turn-taking similar to a conversation or whether the turn-taking would function like an interview, however, the turn-taking in these re-cordings function in a unique manner. Based on my analysis, the fieldwork exchanges have their own organization of turn-taking that incorporates aspects that are similar to both naturally-occurring conversation and classic interviews, encouraging overlap for the native language con-sultant to ensure accuracy of language data and transcription. Moreover, turn-taking system pre-sent in these fieldwork exchanges is dependent on both the sociocultural background of each speaker as well as their respective roles in language documentation efforts.