Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2012
Analysis of DNA copy number variants in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisae, Alexander Friske
Examining the seed bank and restoration potential in Great Lakes coastal wetlands invaded by Phragmites australis, Lily Glaeser
Differences in bacterial and methanogen abundance between wetlands invaded by Phragmites australis and those inhabited by Typha spp, Joshua Goldberger
Investigation of the evolutionary origin and history of a newly identified transposable element in rodents, Ashley Larm
The reduction of amphibian species richness in the presence of non-native plants, Kaitlyn Shott
Observing CSLA expression patterns in Arabidopsis thaliana using promoter-GUS fusion analysis, Evan R. VandenBosch
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2011
Characterizing coaggregation among strains of human gastrointestinal bacteria, Lindsey Kolar
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2010
Involvement of Vav2 in the EphA4 signaling pathway of Xenopus laevis as a possible Rho regulator, Jessica Kopala
Characterization of LIM kinase and activity in early amphibian embryos, Stephanie Seegert
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2009
Does Rac GTPase play a role in EphA4 signaling in Xenopus embryos?, Ashley Durand
In vitro inhibition by Aerosol-OT of Bacillus anthracis Sterne endospores, Andrea M. Rendziperis
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2008
The involvement of Rho-associated kinases (ROCKs) in EphA4 signaling in Xenopus laevis, Ashley Bate
Isolation and analysis of the KATI promoter from Arabidopsis thaliana, Lalita C. Patel
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2007
Spiders in Paint Creek, a local wetland: Initial findings in family composition and distribution, Laurie G. Cummins
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2006
Phylogenetic analysis of NADP-malic enzyme and its expression in Arabidopsis thaliana guard cells, Erin Horning
Analysis of the transcriptional levels of guinea pig sines and lines, Nicole D. Jamison
Retrotransposition efficiency of non-autonomous mobile DNA, Erin Radloff
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2005
The effects of light intensity on the flowering phenology and inter-population differences of the androdioecious plant species, Mercurialis annua, Andrea Benedict
The effect of sucrose starvation and salt stress on Atg6 and Atg13 in Arabidopsis, Lindsey Gish
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2004
Characterizing the role of NADP-malic enzyme in stomatal conductance, Jason Coliadis