Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2019
Utilization of homoplasy-free SINE markers to resolve the phylogeny of Peromyscus species, Alec Wroblewski
The effects of tumor growth on stress response, body size, and fat content in Caenorhabditis elegans, Reem Yassine
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2018
Investigating the frequency of copy number variations (CNVs) at fragile Site FRA3B in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Samantha Bartolet
Effects of nutrient addition and two invasive plants on wetland methane production, Jaymes Dempsey
The effect of the KONJAC1 and KONJAC2 proteins on GDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase activity of VTC1, Hafsah Jamil
Evolutionary history of the mysTR retrotransposons and connection to mysERV elements, Tessa Passarelli
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2017
Characterization of CcMANS1, a putative Mannan synthase from Coffea canephora, Janell A. Couperthwaite
The influence of age and environmental enrichment on tarantula (Grammostola pulchripes) behavior, Samantha Malley-Donato
Behavioral and vocal responses of the American goldfinch (Carduelis tristis) to predatory bird calls, Kate Marsh
Effect of CD40 silencing in MAV-1 infected MH-S cells, Andre Obua
The effects of unpredictable food on corticosterone and social learning in Red Crossbills (Loxia curvirostra), Megan Catharine Wurtz
The effect of temporary anosmia on olfactory bulb glomerular neuron activation, Kelsey E. Zuk
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2016
Investigating the influence of stress hormones on the partial migratory tendencies of the American goldfinch (Spinus tristis), Katherine E. Campbell
Analysis of gene conversion tracts in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Shahana Ahmed Chumki
Analysis of recent SINE activity in Peromyscus and its use as a phylogenetic tool, Nathan Kilian
Coaggregation of gut bacteroides & parabacteroides with probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Samuel Schotten
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2015
The effects of salinity on the stratification and nutrient dynamics of inland lakes in southeast Michigan, Hallee Kansman
Mitotic recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae results from genetic instability at fragile site FS2, Shaylynn Delaney Miller
Flexibility peak from human common fragile site for FRA3B does not strongly induce mitotic recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Valerie Sponyoe
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2014
Environmental DNA analysis protocols for determining the presence of blue spotted salamanders in a vernal environment, Natalie Colletti
Behaving boldly: The effects of personalities on locomotion, growth, and prey capture in tarantulas (Lasiodora parahybana), Samantha Isselbacher
Meta-analysis of male and female function in plants with contrasting architecture and mating systems, Lisa Wyse
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2013
Disruption of ephrin-A5 in developing Xenopus laevis embryos by shRNA, Sarah C. Engmark
Characterization of coaggregation between probiotic Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron VPI-5482 and bacteria of the gastrointestinal tract, Rachael Vasquez