Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Behavioral ecology of the Colorado brown tarantula (Aphonopelma hentzi): Activities displayed around the burrow through juvenile group dispersal, Bradley Allendorfer
Arousal patterns, fungal loads, and wing damage in a surviving population of little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus), Brooke A. Daly
Documenting Plant Biodiversity at the EMU-Owned Parsons Center for Arts and Sciences, Emily Edwards
Looking for love on a chilly night: The Colorado brown tarantula mating season, Dallas Haselhuhn
Herbicide management alters fungal biomass and community composition in Great Lakes coastal wetlands, Erica Danae Lathers
Stealing, scavenging, or storing? Breeding behaviors of unisexual Ambystoma salamanders, Jane Venezia
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Investigating sources of microplastics and effects of plastic pollution on biofilm function in the Huron River, Sadie Baker
Evaluating non-point source microplastic pollution and its impact on biota in the Huron River, Morgan H. Chaudry
Soil and compost tea: A new restoration technique?, Carol E. Day
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Characterization of cofilin and its potential role in the EphA4 pathway, Brian Donald Condron
The promise and perils of molecular combing, Jeanmarie Mishler
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Expansion microscopy to visualize cell-cycle events in the abbreviated cell cycle in Caenorhabditis elegans (roundworm) germline stem cells, Taylor Campbell
The relationship between population dynamics and dietary preferences within two snake genera (Storeria and Thamnophis), Molly M. Dixon
Southeast Michigan wastewater treatment plants as potential sources of microplastic pollution in the Rouge River and Huron River, Jennifer Troost
Assessing pace-of-life: Comparing metabolism and behavior in tarantulas, Haley VanScoyoc
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Evaluating the role of Exo1p in chromosome breaks at FS2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Gillian Autterson
Oxygen, pH, and labile organic carbon as possible mechanisms for algal stimulation of bacterial and fungal production in periphyton, Jennifer Nichole Harper
An evaluation of co-culture parameters effecting antibiotic production in soil microbes, Rebecca Lindow
Temporal changes in unisexual and sexual Ambystoma salamander populations in southeast Michigan, Kelsey B. Mitchell
The effects of low-level pharmaceuticals on stream biofilm structure and function across a land-use gradient in streams of the Huron River watershed, Elizabeth Mae Stover