
Emily Edwards

Date Approved


Degree Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department or School


Committee Member

Margaret Hanes, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Marianne Laporte, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Jonathan Hall, Ph.D.


We present the first vascular plant species checklist for the Eastern Michigan-University-owned property called the Parsons Center for Arts and Sciences. A voucher for each plant species has been deposited in the Eastern Michigan College herbarium and collection data is digitized in the Consortium of Midwest Herbaria. A minimum of three images per species are also available on iNaturalist . The Consortium and iNaturalist databases are publicly available and provide georeferenced locations for each plant. One hundred seventy-one plant species (in 137 genera and 61 families) were documented and identified, representing about 15% of plant species and 41% of families known from Benzie County. This work uncovered five new county records that will be updated in the Michigan Flora. More than 70% of species are native to Michigan. Only two invasive plant species, as defined by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources,were observed. Our plant list provides important resources for Eastern Michigan University students, all Parsons users, and county biologists.
