Submissions from 2002
Effects of selegiline (l-deprenyl) during smoking and short-term abstinence, Elisabeth J. Houtwsmuller, James A. Thornton, and Maxine L. Stitzer
Estimating a health production function for the US: Some new evidence, James A. Thornton
Submissions from 2001
The effects of the international-domestic interest rate gap on U.S. output, Sharon J. Erenburg and David W. Goebel
Testing and analytical procedures for laboratory studies involving nonresponders during a limited observation period: an illustration using male sexual behavior in rats, David L. Rowland and James A. Thornton
Market efficiency and profitable wagering in the National Hockey League: Can bettors score on longshots?, Linda M. Woodland and Bill M. Woodland
Submissions from 2000
Labor quality, natural unemployment, and US inflation, David B. Crary
Physician choice of medical specialty: Do economic incentives matter?, James A. Thornton
Testing contrarian strategies in the National Football League, Bill M. Woodland and Linda M. Woodland
Submissions from 1999
Nepotism, discrimination, and the persistence of utility-maximizing, owner-operated firms: Reply, Larry D. Singell Jr. and James A. Thornton
The impact of medical malpractice insurance cost on physician behaviour: The role of income and tort signal effects, James A. Thornton
Expected utility, skewness, and the baseball betting market, Bill M. Woodland and Linda M. Woodland
Can the graduated income tax survive optimal tax analysis, Lawrence Zelenak and Kemper W. Moreland
Submissions from 1998
Money growth variability and stock returns: An innovations accounting analysis, Abdullah A. Dewan
Productivity, private and public capital, and real wage in the U.S., Sharon J. Erenburg
Do physicians employ aides efficiently? Some new evidence on solo practitioners, James A. Thornton
The labour supply behaviour of self-employed solo practice physicians, James A. Thornton
Determinants of the demand for Thailand's exports of tourism, Michael G. Vogt and Chutima Wittayakorn
Submissions from 1997
Using a regression approach to study the influence of male fetuses on the genital morphology of neonatal female rats, Elizabeth J. Houtwsmuller, James A. Thornton, and David L. Rowlands
Nepotism, discrimination, and the persistence of utility-maximizing, owner-operated firms, Larry D. Singell Jr. and James A. Thornton
Are malpractice insurance premiums a tort signal that influence physician hours worked?, James A. Thornton
The utility-maximizing self-employed physician, James A. Thornton and B. Kelly Eakin
Efficiency in gambling markets involving spread: A corrected and simplified test, Bill M. Woodland and Linda M. Woodland
Submissions from 1996
Modeling institutional change: Some critical thoughts, John Edgren
Submissions from 1995
On the relevance of John Rawls's theory of justice to welfare economics, John A. Edgren
Public and private investment: Are there causal linkages?, Sharon J. Erenburg and Mark E. Wohar