Submissions from 1994
Testing the exogeneity of economic time series: An application of innovation accounting, Abdullah A. Dewan
Estimating the choice behavior of self-employed business proprietors: An application to dairy farmers, James A. Thornton
Market efficiency and the favorite-longshot bias: The baseball betting market, Linda M. Woodland and Bill M. Woodland
Submissions from 1993
Macroeconometrics of stock price fluctuations, Abdullah A. Dewan and Steven C. Hayworth
On the real effects of short- and long-run inflation and relative sector price variability: Some empirical evidence using the Kalman filter, Sharon J. Erenburg
The real effects of public investment on private investment, Sharon J. Erenburg
Submissions from 1992
The optimal exemption, Kemper W. Moreland
Virtual prices and a general theory of the owner operated firm, James A. Thornton and B. Kelly Eakin
Faculty Scholarship from 1991
The effects of risk aversion on wagering - Point spread versus odds, Bill M. Woodland and Linda M. Woodland
Submissions from 1990
An econometric analysis of paper and wastepaper markets, John A. Edgren and Kemper W. Moreland
Earnings for economists at state universities, Kemper W. Moreland
Submissions from 1989
The determinants of fixed investment over the business cycle: Some time series evidence, Abdullah A. Dewan and Frederick E. Tank
Inflation, tax rates, and investment with endogenous financial behavior, Peter Rangazas and Abdullah A. Dewan
Submissions from 1988
Money and the business cycle: Another look, Abdullah A. Dewan and Peter C. Rangazas
Testing some monetarist propositions, Peter Rangazas and Abdullah A. Dewan
Submissions from 1987
Taxes and the corporate sector debt ratio: Some time series evidence, Peter Rangazas and Abdullah A. Dewan
Submissions from 1986
Budget size effects on the optimal linear income tax, Irwin Garfinkel, Kemper W. Moreland, and Efraim Sadka
Submissions from 1985
Criteria for identifying scientific research programs in economics, John A. Edgren
Submissions from 1984
The implications of land contracts for property tax assessment practices, John Edgren and Steve Hayworth
Public goods and optimal income taxation, Kemper W. Moreland