"Grit and resilience: Blending translation and indirect service learning" by Isabelle Drewelow and Xabier Granja Ibarreche


This study explores how blending translation with service learning has the potential to support the development of grit and resilience. The participants collaborated on translating documents from English to Spanish for local organizations, as part of a service learning component of an advanced Spanish grammar course. Using reflection papers written by students at the end of the semester, the study adopted a qualitative interpretive approach to examine their perspectives. Students were asked to consider the skills they developed, share their perceptions of the value of the translations for the community and for themselves, and reflect on the emotions they experienced when they encountered and coped with challenges. Data analysis reveals that the service learning translations supported the development of the two dimensions of grit and cultivated resilience: students developed various adaptive strategies and stayed interested in the task despite the possibility of failure. Resilience emerged from their focus on the partners and community’s needs and the production of professional documents.
