"Managerial Use of Text Messaging in International Organizations" by José Guadalupe Torres and Roger Conaway


When organizational employees adopt and use various communication technologies in the workplace, the process of choosing such media has emerged as a complex one. Numerous variables impact the decisions of employees and managers when they implement these technologies. Our study adapted van den Hooff, Groot, & de Jonge’s (2005) assessment instrument for email usage to text messaging in international companies. Our results reflected similar findings as van den Hooff, Groot, & de Jonge (2005) in most subscales of the instrument. Specifically, we investigated the extent to which managers had used and applied text messaging in organizational settings. We utilized a governmental database of registered businesses in manufacturing and services sectors which represented a broad range of enterprises. Results revealed that text messaging usage appeared nearly as ubiquitous as e-mail usage among the international managers who reported they integrated texting into work tasks and relationships. We discuss findings and implications for managers and employees.
