"Online Knowledge Surveys as a Means of Library Instruction Assessment" by Steven Baumgart and Elizabeth Hassemer

Document Type

Making Assessment Useful

Publication Date



In Fall 2005, the University of Wisconsin's Memorial Library began using an in-house, online survey product to gather feedback from students before, during, and after library instruction sessions. During several sessions, the survey product was used as a medium to complete hands-on exercises. More significantly, web-based surveys were used to administer a pre- and post-knowledge survey and performance evaluation, in order to gauge the level of impact on student learning. Knowledge surveys ask students to rate their readiness to be tested on a particular learning outcome without asking them to perform the task directly; the performance evaluations correlate the students' ability to perform tasks with their confidence levels, in order to measure actual learning. Preliminary data indicates a correlation between confidence levels and actual learning based on the learning outcomes. The purpose of both pre- and post-testing is not only to measure the level of impact, but also to tailor instruction sessions on-the-fly, based on the immediate needs of the students. Knowledge surveys are also useful tools for instructors, serving as a planning outline for the curriculum and as a means of assessing the teacher's effectiveness.

In this session, the presenters will demonstrate the use of the online survey product as a new technology in library instruction assessment. They will discuss the uses of a web-based survey, including the administration of a knowledge survey. In addition, they will discuss the development of a knowledge survey as it relates to learning outcomes and instructional goals for library sessions.
