"Let the Games Begin! Changing Our Instruction to Reach Millenials!" by Bee Gallegos, Karen Grondin et al.

Document Type

Working with New Technologies and Environments

Publication Date



In fall 2001, Arizona State University at the West campus admitted its inaugural freshmen class. Previously, only upper-division and selected masters degree programs were offered. Librarians created a menu of information skills outcomes and a plan for delivering a common library curriculum to first year-students. The Information Skills Outcomes serve as a framework for teaching, learning and assessment. The first-year library instruction program is targeted, sequenced, and learner-centered, accommodating the different learning styles of Millennials. Instruction is presented in a series of short, focused mini-lessons interspersed with activities that keep students engaged, interested and stimulated. Student acceptance and enthusiasm for technology is used as a mechanism to promote student participation and encourage learning. The lower division instruction team created learning objects and interactive lessons that reflect changes in student expectations, are customizable, assist students in discovering and developing skills, and allow students to learn while having fun. Game-based learning was incorporated into activities that create an environment where learning about detailed and complex processes is engaging rather than boring.

This interactive session will provide attendees with practical ideas and strategies for working with Millenials that can be easily adapted and used in their own environment. Online tools used to support and assess student learning and evaluate teaching will also be presented.
