"Convening an Emerging Technologies Working Group in an Academic Librar" by Debra Riley-Huff, Tami Albin et al.

Document Type

Working with New Technologies and Environments

Publication Date



The Instructional Services Department at University of Kansas Libraries is a leader in combining technology literacy and information literacy into a cohesive skill set. Because emerging information technologies represent one of the fastest "moving targets" in the profession, librarians' understandings and utilization of these technologies to enhance library instruction requires intentional, concerted and coordinated effort.

How best to identify and recommend specific emerging technologies to library administration and other potential stakeholders? The presenters will discuss how to convene an emerging technologies working group, with consideration for participants' skill levels and interest areas, as well as the size of the group. They will review current research methods and tools for identifying technologies that are applicable to library instruction in classroom, distance, and courseware environments. With emphasis on discovery, they will suggest opportunities for testing and creatively expanding upon the usefulness of new technologies. Finally, the speakers will describe how to create an in-house proposal that garnishes administrative support and discuss the factors that affect the implementation of technologies into instruction, including realistic timelines, delivery methods, staff training, and course content enhancement. Attendees at this presentation will leave the session understanding how to convene a task group and how to research, test, and recommend emerging information technologies that can then be incorporated into their library instruction programs.
