"Letting Go & Starting Over: The Transformation of an Information Liter" by Nikki Busch, Steven Frye et al.

Document Type

Changing Needs of Our Users

Publication Date



In 1995, an interactive, multimedia tutorial called CLUE was developed to assist in teaching basic information literacy skills to University of Wisconsin-Madison students enrolled in a general education course that is required for graduation. CLUE has been updated periodically over the years and by 2003, as the result of formal assessment, discussion among instruction librarians, and a review of Web statistics, it became clear that major revisions were needed.

The presenters will share how this process of revision became a process of transformation. They will look at the pedagogical, technological, and administrative issues that emerged. They will also explore how the adoption of a new planning process unexpectedly forced us to rethink the objectives and to develop new structures and strategies for CLUE. Content demands resulting from emerging e-resources such as federated searching and Google Scholar led to major changes, not just in content, but in the entire structure of the tutorial.

Getting students to "buy in" to the need to expand their information horizons to include resources in addition to Google has been an ongoing challenge. Two modules that address this affective issue head-on were developed. A new generation of tutorial-authoring tools (e.g. Macromedia's Captivate) gave the librarians innovative design options, but also presented them with new problems. Finally, the assessment process for CLUE will be discussed along with what they learned from students and faculty alike.
