"Campus Collaboration to Build a Series of Information Competency Works" by Nancy Getty and Deborah Moore

Document Type

Campus Connection

Publication Date



Over the past seven years Glendale Community College has developed a series of nine workshops that address the core competencies for information literacy at the College. This workshop program constitutes a unique model for delivering information competency instruction and could be adapted to any institutional setting. We have had many inquiries about how the program was developed and how it functions. We will present a session that includes a brief overview of the program, discusses the elements and collaboration important to its evolution, presents current quantitative research that indicates our level of success, and offers strategies to apply this approach to any library setting.

Since the program began in 1999, there has been constant collaboration between library and instructional faculty both on a personal level as well as through participation on relevant campus committees. As a result, information competency instruction is becoming deeply integrated into the curricula of various ESL, English, and other courses on campus.

As this program has evolved over several years, change has been constant and essential. We will conclude the session with a group activity that encourages participants to contemplate changes they might effect in their own instruction programs and how this model for information competency instruction might be applied to their own institutions.
