May 3-5, 2007
Bahia Resort Hotel
San Diego, California
Conference Theme: Uncharted Waters: Tapping the Depths of Our Community to Enhance Learning
Conference Proceedings Editors:
Brad Sietz, Eastern Michigan University
Susann deVries, Eastern Michigan University
Sarah Fabian, Eastern Michigan University
Robert Stevens, Eastern Michigan University
E. Chisato Uyeki, California State University, Los Angeles
Amy Wallace, California State University, Channel Islands
Preface, Brad Sietz
Plenary Session
Brain Research and Education: Fad or Foundation?, Pat Wolfe
Campus Connections
A Collaborative Voyage to Improve Students' Career Information Literacy, Angela Farrar, Lateka Grays, Diane VanderPol, and Amanda Cox
Building Campus-Wide Information Literacy Programs, Lynn D. Lampert and Catherine Haras
Campus Collaboration to Build a Series of Information Competency Workshops, Nancy Getty and Deborah Moore
Crossing Boundaries: Facing the Challenges of Library Instruction and Research for Evolving Interdisciplinary Topics, Justin Harrison
Developing a GamePlan: Libraries and Campus Athletic Departments, Bill Kelm, Diane Mizrachi, Marc Mason, and Julie Tharp
First-Year Composition and the Writing-Research Gap, Elizabeth Birmingham and Molly R. Flaspohler
From Guest Lecturer to Assignment Consultant: Exploring a New Role for the Teaching Librarian, Kathleen Gallagher
From Traditional Library Instruction to Collaborative Instruction: Charting the Course Toward Evidence-Based Practice, Pamela M. Corley and Julie K. Tilson
How Passion and Perseverance Steered the Course Towards a University's Information Literacy Framework, Jacqui Weetman DaCosta
How to Embed a Librarian, Leslie Foutch, Brian Griffith, Lee Ann Lannom, Deborah Sommer, and Sharon Weiner
Maiden Voyage: A Library and Faculty Development Center Partnership to Promote Information Literacy, Stephanie M. Henderson and Mary Todd Chestnut
Sailing Off the Map: Managing Organizational Change in the Library Instruction Movement, Kristen Bullard and Wendy Holliday
Taking Immersion Home: Developing Ownership of Information Literacy among Faculty, Karen Michaelsen, Kelley McHenry, and Esther Sunde
Community Connections
A Community Without Walls: Testing the Waters, Lydia Jackson and Julia Hansen
Discovering Buried Treasure: Teaching Strategies for the Aging Population, Susan Frey and Juliet Kerico
Exciting, New Information Literacy Outreach Efforts to International Students, John Hickok
Setting Sail without a Map: Creative Collaboration for a Multi-Disciplinary Conference, Kathryn L. Venditti and Judith P. Williams
Teaching in a Tea House, Esther Grassian, Catherine Haras, and Billy Pashaie
Technology and Innovation
A Game-Based Multimedia Approach to Library Orientation, Nancy O'Hanlon, Karen Diaz, and Fred Roecker
Cloning Ourselves: One Librarian's Experience, Judith A. Downie
Keeping Up With the YouTube Generation: Collaborating with Student Video Bloggers to Enhance Library Instruction, Susan Ariew
Library Instruction on the Go: Podcasting at the Kresge Library, Jennifer Zimmer and Sally Ziph
Navigating the Information Needs of Online & Remote Students: Charting a New Course, Anne Marie Secord, Barbara Stillwell, and Robin Lockerby
"Next Slide, Please": An Analysis and Conversation on the Uses and Misuses of Microsoft PowerPoint at Library Instruction Conferences, David J. Brier and Vickery Kaye Lebbin
Quarantined: The Fletcher Library Game Project, Bee Gallegos, Tammy Allgood, and Karen Grondin
The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries: LibX a Case Study, Kyrille Goldbeck
What do Nursing and Classics have in Common? Innovative Library Assignments Embedded in Blackboard, Marcia Poggione and Michelle Early
Informed Improvement
Ask an Interesting Question: Insights From a Reflective Survey of Senior Biology Students, Don MacMillan
"Better than Average": Information Literacy Skill Levels, Self-Estimates of Performance, and Library Anxiety, Melissa Gross and Don Latham
Understanding Undergraduates: What Does Phenomenography Tell Us About Learners, Clarence Maybee
A Sexier Literacy: Information Literacy through Media Literacy, Shana M. Higgins and Sara L. Prahl
Instruction 2.0: Teaching and/or Incorporating Web 2.0 Technologies in Your Classroom, Susan Shepherd and Teri M. Vogel
Inter-Institutional Information Literacy Instruction and Assessment, Marcus Kieltyka
Let's Have a Party: Information Literacy Instruction as an Empowerment Strategy, Shahla Bahavar, Angela Boyd, Valeria Molteni, and Sophie Lesinska
Stepping Outside the Faculty-Mediated Outreach Model: Collaborations with Student Academic Support Services to Reach Students, Annette Marines and Kerry Scott
The Dynamic Duo: Collaboration Between Writing Centers and Academic Libraries, Wendell Barbour, Lisa Burns, Debra Hoffmann, Kathleen Klompien, and Mark Lenker
The Role of the Library in Achieving Co-curricular Activities in Civic Engagement on College Campuses, Mary Reddick and Susan Metcalf