"Preface" by Brad Sietz



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The 35th annual LOEX conferences continued the tradition of bringing the best together in library instruction and information literacy, while also starting something new - LOEX’s first ever trip out to the West Coast. San Diego, California treated us well and provided a great venue to learn about the latest in library instruction. In particular, a focus for LOEX 2007 was reaching beyond the library and out to the community - whether that community is the rest of the university/college or is the city/town in which the library is located. Hopefully, as attendees go back to their libraries and implement their version of what they learned at the conference, they will create their own innovations that will be shared at a future conference. The hard work of the 2007 Planning Committee produced an informative and memorable conference with a fascinating keynote address by Dr. Pat Wolfe and fun and educational dinner speakers from the San Diego Zoo and the Wildlife Company, who brought live snakes, birds, and other animals for the attendees to observe (animals not available in proceedings form). I would like to extend a great deal of thanks to the LOEX 2007 team -- Tracey Mayfield (Communications), Duffy Tweedy (Facilities), and Amy Wallace (Program), along with webmaster Allison Carr, for their great work. They were assistend by various volunteers from the Southern California Instruction Librarians, who helped make sure all the need of LOEX presenters and attendees were met. Again, we are so fortunate to be able to meet annually to share and discuss the latest ideas and research in library instruction. Please enjoy perusing this latest set of proceedings from the 35th annual LOEX Conference: Uncharted Waters: Tapping the Depths of our Community to Enhance Learning.
