"When the World Grows Smaller: Renewing Instruction Methods for Interna" by Merinda Kaye Hensley

Document Type

Interactive Session

Publication Date



With globalization diversifying our university culture, American universities are welcoming an increasing population of international students. Librarians are searching for innovative instruction ideas that adapt to international learning styles while crossing cultural and language barriers.

This interactive workshop will engage participants on the topic of renewing instruction methods for ESL students (although many of the ideas could be applied in almost any academic library setting) framed by the Cephalonian Method. Previously used for orientation purposes, the Cephalonian Method is a learner-centered technique designed to facilitate learning through capturing the attention of the audience. Framed by the overhaul of the University of Illinois’ ESL instruction program and using a combination of audience participation, visuals and music, the session will move through four major components:

* Learning styles and characteristics of ESL learners and international students (red) * Background information on how UIUC overhauled previous model of course-integrated ESL instruction (purple) * Innovative instruction segments using tutorials, activities and games (yellow) * Assessment models used to gain an authentic review of ESL library instruction (green)

Active engagement in the classroom is no easy feat for the typical 50 minute session, but by demonstrating how librarians can utilize technology and creativity in a sound pedagogical fashion, we can open our doors to a world that continues to grow smaller.

Interactive Session
