"Using Mashups and Multimedia to Provide Online User Independence for a" by Lori S. Mestre

LOEX Conference Proceedings 2011

Document Type

Internet Innovations: Tutorials, LibGuides and Everything Else

Publication Date



In the globalized e-learning environment, students coming from different cultures have different characteristics and require different support designed for their approaches to study and learning styles. Learn effective strategies of how to revolutionize your web pages and online instructional efforts to create engaging online learning tools and mashups that appeal to diverse learning styles. Improve your ability to move from passive presentation methods to more effective online instruction that focuses on independent student active learning.

After a discussion of a usability study to assess learning style preferences as they pertain to library tutorials, the audience will help to redesign a web page by pulling in various (preselected by the speaker) multimedia tools with the end goal being to create a page that allows for maximum control by students so that they can pick and choose the elements they need.

By the end of the session, audience members will have experienced a glimpse of challenges many students who are not linear or analytic thinkers confront when using many of the web pages and online instructional tools now available. They will also have had the opportunity to think more broadly about ways to modify pages by bringing in multimedia tools or by creating mash-ups to assist all learners to be able to actively and independently engage in the sites.
