"Classroom Assessment Techniques in One-Shot Instruction Sessions: Bala" by Laura Westmoreland Gariepy

LOEX Conference Proceedings 2011

Document Type

Evaluating for Excellence: Assessing Library Instruction

Publication Date



Librarians who teach one-shot instruction sessions often find it difficult to make time for assessment at the expense of teaching content. This session will discuss how librarians can use Classroom Assessment Techniques to not only quickly assess student learning and improve teaching, but also enhance student learning. The presentation will focus on one-shot instruction sessions; however, the principles will apply to a variety of instructional settings.

Participants will explore a variety of Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs): exercises and activities administered in the classroom to assess student learning. As opposed to many large scale assessment instruments that demonstrate what students have learned at the conclusion of a course, year, or degree, CATs assess learning so that librarians and instructors can then change and improve lesson plans to better meet student needs prior to final assessment.

The presenter will focus on CATs that require minimal time for preparation, implementation, and analysis. CATs that will be discussed include, but are not limited to, misconception/preconception checks, background knowledge probes, focused listing, and a few "homegrown" techniques. The presenter will explain how classroom assessment can not only assess student learning, but also contribute to enhanced learning by providing opportunities for reflection and active learning. The audience will participate in CATs to assess their own learning throughout the presentation.

Overall, the session will encourage participants to consider CATs an integral part of their instruction sessions to assess and enhance student learning and improve teaching--not as yet another activity to squeeze into a session.
