"Shaken or Stirred? Mixing Elements of Writing Across the Curriculum (W" by Susan Avery, Hilary Bussell et al.

LOEX Conference Proceedings 2012

Document Type

Interactive Workshops

Publication Date



Shaking up our instruction cocktails on a regular basis is advantageous, and tying what we do to campus initiatives makes the cocktail even better. Many universities include a Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) program at their institution. WAC principles state that writing is learning and responsibility for writing should belong to all academic programs and cross all disciplines. Is it even possible, given the time constraints of one-shot instruction sessions, to include elements of WAC? This interactive presentation will demonstrate that, not only is it possible, it can significantly improve student learning, engagement, and participation; plus we'll help you find just the right mix.

Several WAC elements will be introduced and practiced in this workshop. Activities such as quick writes and microthemes take just moments, but because they require students to focus and organize their thoughts they assure us that all students really have thought about the issue and have something to contribute to the class discussion. A significant impact on the level of student participation during library instruction has been experienced by the presenters through the addition of these short exercises. At the conclusion of this workshop you will be familiar with a number of Writing Across the Curriculum activities and have a better understanding of the impact of these activities in a library instruction session. Armed with new cocktail recipes, you will return to your library ready to shake up your instruction classroom!
