LOEX Conference Proceedings 2012
May 3-5, 2012
Renaissance Hotel
Columbus, Ohio
Conference Theme: Energize! Accelerate! Transform!
Conference Proceedings Editors:
Brad Sietz, Director
Randal Baier, Susann deVries, Sarah Fabian, Sara Memmott, Robert Stevens
Eastern Michigan University
Preface, Brad Sietz
Chef's Surprise: Pursuing Cutting-Edge Trends in Teaching and Learning
Comfort Food for All: The Scalability of LMS-Embedded Librarianship, Beth E. Tumbleson and John J. Burke
Graphic Novels and Introduction to Library Research, Robert G. Weiner and Carrye Kay Syma
Homegrown Ingredients: Creating Tools When the Information Literacy Supermarket Fails You, Becky Canovan
Integrating the Credit-Bearing Information Literacy Course into the Curriculum: Goals, Benefits and Challenges, Dominique Daniel and Elizabeth W. Kraemer
iPod Apps, Mobile Learning and Game Dynamics: This Ain’t Your Typical Library Orientation, Anne Burke, Adrienne Lai, and Aam Rogers
I Want to Eat Your Brains: Engaging Students with Brain-based Strategies When Zombies Have Taken Over Your Classroom, Jennifer Quinlan
Robust (and Backward) Instructional Design for an Online Information Literacy Course, Brian D. Leaf
Sing a Song of Sixpence: The Birds We Found in the Web-Scale Discovery Pie, Sarah Fabian, Susann deVries, and Sara Memmott
Teaching from the Edge: Transitioning into the Online Course Utilizing Instructional Design and Rubric Evaluation, Kim Glover and Nikhat J. Ghouse
The Disappearance of Controlled Vocabulary in Bibliographic Instruction: In Memoriam?, Stephanie Wiegand
We Got Game! Using Games for Library Orientation, Lesli Baker and Annie Smith
Cocktails: Engaging Students with Active Learning
Blending, Mixing, and Processing: Strategies Used to Engage Students in the Classroom, Mark Aaron Polger and Karen Okamoto
New Literacies in our Global Society: Teaching Literacies Beyond Text, Kristine N. Stewart and Alex Mudd
Socializing with the Undead: Humans vs. Zombies & Learning the Library, Jessica R. Olin
Using the Learning Cycle to Engage Students in Library Instruction, Marcia Rapchak
Combo Platter: Collaborating Across Campus and with Different Institutions
A Gateway to Outcomes Assessment: Collaborating on a Multi-Session Library Instruction Program, Jennifer Hatleberg and Niyati Pandya
Classroom Collaboration: Librarians and Faculty Teach the Art of Research, Kasia Leousis and Deanna Benjamin
Collaborating across Campuses and Continents: Welcome to the Future!, Kimberly Brady and Nita Bryant
Co-teaching a Grand Challenge Course: Using Digital Media and Collaborative Teaching Strategies for Effective Online Learning and Transliteracy Skills, Mona Anne Niedbala, Adam Moore, and Stefanie Metko
From Prix Fixe to A la Carte: Using Lesson Study to Collaborate with Faculty in Customizing Information Literacy, Eric Jennings, Hans Kishel, and Jill Markgraf
Hiding Peas in their Mashed Potatoes: Teaching Faculty Information Literacy on the Sly, Amy E. Kammerman
Information Literacy for Global Leadership: Constructing a Pedagogical Activity to Address a Global Crisis Utilizing Global Literacies and ACRL Standards, Brenda Chappell-Sharpe
Take Course Content, Sauté it with Blogs and Sprinkle it with Information Literacy, Tatiana Pashkova-Balkenhol and Elizabeth Kocevar-Weidinger
Dessert: Measuring the Effectiveness of Programs and Learning
Fun Assessment: How to Embed Evaluation with Educational Games, Mary J. Snyder Broussard and Theresa R. McDevitt
Entrees: Developing your Teachers and your Program
Connect, Communicate, and Learn: How Library Instruction Programs Benefit from Learning Management Systems, Maria T. Accardi and Hong Cheng
Criticism is not a Four-letter Word: Best Practices for Constructive Feedback in the Peer Review of Teaching, Jaena Alabi and William H. Weare Jr.
From a “Crusade Against Ignorance” to a “Crisis of Authenticity”: Cultivating Information Literacy for a 21st Century Democracy, Andrew Battista
Instructor College Virtual Swap Meet: A Model for Developing an Instruction Community, Jo Angela Oehrli and Peter Timmons
Salads: Reaching Diverse Populations
21st Century Skills and Pre-Service Teacher Education, Jillian Brandt Maruskin
Double, Triple, Quadruple the Recipe: Serve Library Instruction to a Crowd (and Assess It, Too!) with LibGuides and PollEverywhere, Melissa Bowles-Terry and Kennedy Penn-O'Toole
From Limp Lettuce to Kaleidoscope Salad: Making Your Instruction Sessions Pop for All Patrons with Universal Design for Learning Principles, Christina C. Wray
STEPP into the Library: Research Assistance for Students with Multiple Learning Disabilities, Jeanne Hoover, Clark Nall, and Carolyn Willis
To Go: Learning on the Go, Anytime, Anywhere
Instant Classroom: Teach Anywhere with a Classroom in a Box, Meridith Wolnick and Todd Burks
Using Summon to Teach Historical Primary Sources: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Carol A. Singer and Stephen M. Charter
Interactive Workshops
Beyond Classroom Evaluation: Structuring Research for Dissemination, Andrea Falcone and Stephanie Wiegand
Beyond the Checklist: Using Rhetorical Analysis to Evaluate Sources as Social Acts, Joel Burkholder
Bringing More to the Table(t): Ideas and Insights for Using Tablets in Instruction, Rebecca K. Miller and Carolyn Meier
Create Your Own Cephalonian Method Adventure: An Interactive Session, Amanda K. Izenstark and Mary C. MacDonald
Maximizing Student Engagement and Learning with Team-Based Learning, Trudi Jacobson and Judy Carey Nevin
Performance Theory and Information Literacy: Using the Method to Establish Rapport with Students, Joshua Vossler and John Watts
Reaching Modern Students Through Amazing Screencasts, Jessica L. Clemons and Stephen X. Flynn
Shaken or Stirred? Mixing Elements of Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) into Library Instruction Sessions, Susan Avery, Hilary Bussell, and Gina Hodnik
The Course Guide: Creating a Culinary Masterpiece “to go”, Judith Arnold and Veronica Bielat
Lightning Talks
A Revamped Menu for Information Literacy Instruction: Catering to Newly Admitted Doctoral Students, Michelle T. Allen
One Dozen Ways to Connect with Your International Students, Erica Clay
Seizing on SOPA: Are You Ready to Go Viral?, Lea Susan Engle