LOEX Conference Proceedings 2012
A Revamped Menu for Information Literacy Instruction: Catering to Newly Admitted Doctoral Students
Document Type
Lightning Talks
Publication Date
A review of the library literature has uncovered very little research about effective instruction for newly admitted university doctoral students. Library instruction for these students is mainly focused on workshops for conducting a literature review. This assistance is relevant later in their studies, when they are publishing journal articles and writing a dissertation proposal, but doctoral students also have unique needs their first year, when they are adjusting to the program demands and preparing for comprehensive exams.
Faculty buy-in and enthusiasm were the most important factors for getting approval from my department in the spring of 2011 to develop an information literacy series for first year doctoral students in the Broad College of Business (COB) at Michigan State University. The support I had from the Senior Associate Dean, individual faculty members, and in particular faculty serving on the Doctoral Program Committee was positive right from the start and unwavering. Not only did they provide information about the student skills’ gap, but they also strongly encouraged attendance at the sessions.
Recommended Citation
Allen, Michelle T., "A Revamped Menu for Information Literacy Instruction: Catering to Newly Admitted Doctoral Students" (2014). LOEX Conference Proceedings 2012. 45.