May 11-13, 2017
Hyatt Regency Lexington
Lexington, KY
Conference Theme: Growing Stronger Together: Diversity and Community in Information Literacy
Conference Proceedings Editors:
Brad Sietz, Director
Randal Baier, Sarah Fabian, Bill Marino, Sara Memmott, Robert Stevens
Eastern Michigan University
Breakout Sessions
Are You Fluent in Composition and Rhetoric? Speaking the Language of Our Teaching Partners, Amy Cooper White
A Strong Start Out of the Gate! Building Student Engagement Before Class Begins, Lindy Scripps-Hoekstra
Bridge to Success: Developing Library Serivces for Transfer Students, Margaret N. Gregor and Kelly R. McBride
Charting the Library Firmament: Transforming Teaching to Create Meaningful Learning Experiences for Students, Roberto A. Arteaga and Christine M. Moeller
Correlating Use of Library Services with Student Success, and What We Learned Along the Way, Rachel Mulvihill and Penny Beile
Don't Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth: When the Data Your Receive is Not the Data You Want, Savannah L. Kelly
Driving the Team: A Course Integrated Data Information Literacy and Science Communication Class, Megan Sapp Nelson
Engaging the ACRL Framework Through Short Stories and Drawing, David J. Brier and Vickery Kaye Lebbin
Formative and Summative Assessment of Library Instruction (LI): Encouraging and Supporting "Reflective Teaching" Practices Through Peer Observations, Bernadette M. López-Fitzsimmons
Framing Information Literacy with the Art of Debate, Maria R. Barefoot
Galloping into the Unknown: Utilizing Design Thinking to Reimagine Instruction, Collaboration, and Innovation, Patrick Tomlin, Stefanie Metko, and Lisa Becksford
Getting to the Root of the Matter: Talking Through Our Failures to Foster Innovation, Sarah Laleman Ward and Stephanie Margolin
Growing Insight: Course Instructor Perspectives on Assignment Design, Ryne Leuzinger and Jacqui Grallo
Leading Horses to Water: Constructing Courses to Get Students to Drink, Sam Becker, Dan Chibnall, and Carrie Dunham-LaGree
Librarians and Immersive Learning: Opportunities for Collaboration Using Virtual Reality, Kristal Sergent Boulden
Library + Living Learning Community: A Partnership Story, Lisa Jarrell
Library Lost in Translation: Diversifying Our Approach to Strengthen Information Literacy Skills in International Students, Kimberly Davies Hoffman
Listening and Learning from Students: Interviewing Students about the Intersections of Research, Writing, and Technology, Sarah Wagner, Ann Marshall, and Kristine Frye
Making Information Literacy More Accessible Through Universal Design for Learning, Brian A. Sullivan and Malia Willey
Open This Box: Leveraging the Popularity of Escape Rooms to Create an Engaging Library Instruction Session, Amber Wilson and Jessica Riedmueller
Optimizing the Field Through a Curriculum Mapping Initiative: Adapting the Framework for Assessing Information Literacy Programs, Amanda B. MacDonald, Julia Feerrar, and Stefanie Metko
Preparing Your Crop: Understanding Student Experiences with New Technology and the Impact on Instruction, Christi Piper, Joel Tonyan, and Norah Mazel
Putting the Cart Before the Horse: Creating Online Information Literacy Modules for a Reluctant Faculty, Cecelia L. Parks
Questioning Authority: An Exploration of Diverse Sources, Gabriel Duque, Jo Angela Oehrli, Amanda Peters, and Alexandra Stark
Racing Together Toward the Finish Line: Partnerships for Supporting a Library Open House, Megan Gilpin and Alissa Zawoyski
Reading is Research: Promoting Critical Reading Through Embedded Librarianship, Marc Bess
Redesigning a FYE Library Module: Cleveland Based Learning, Ben Richards
Reining in Informaiton Literacy Instruction: Using Faculty Survey Data to Guide the Process, Veronica Bielat, LuMarie Guth, Judith Arnold, Maria Perez-Stable, and Patricia Vander Meer
Research as Résumé Builder: Delivering a Career-Focused Information Literacy Certificate Program, Megan Blauvelt Heuer
Running Mates: Staying on Track for an Integrated Information Literacy and STEM Curriculum, Adrienne Button Harmer and Bethany Havas
Teaching Power and Authority in Library Discovery Systems, Andrew Battista
The Largest Horse in the Race: Using Mindfulness to Create an Inclusive Student-Centered Classroom/Library Session, Kristen Mastel and Amy Riegelman
The Library Steeplechase: A New Breed of Library Tour at VCU, Rachel A. McCaskill and Jennifer A. Stout
Translation, Negotiation, Strategy: Shared Ownership of the One-Shot Agenda, Haruko Yamauchi and Linda Miles
What's a Jockey without a Horse? Librarians and Faculty Building Community Together Around the Framework, Rachel A. Stott
When to Plant Heirlooms and When to Plant Hybrids: Unearthing Instruction Librarians' Motivations for Adopting New Practices, Elizabeth Galoozis
Writing Alone? Not Furlong!, Heather A. Johnson and Katie Harding
You Don't Have to Cover Everything: Replacing the One-Shot with Competency-Based Library Instruction, Amanda Peach and Angel Rivera
Lightning Talks
Completing the Trifecta: Collaboration with Faculty and the Public Library to Promote Information Literacy, Heather A. Crozier
Library Instruction in the Special Collections Room: Pre-Service Teachers and Early 20th Century Children's Literature, Suzanne W. Hinnefeld