May 9-11, 2019
Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Minneapolis, MN
Conference Theme: Up North: Reflect, Reconnect, Renew
Conference Proceedings Editors:
Brad Sietz, Director
Sarah Fabian, Kelly Getz, Sara Memmott, Robert Stevens
Eastern Michigan University
Breakout Sessions
Adding Value: Off-Roading to Rethink the Needs of Graduate Student Emerging Scholars, Donna Harp Ziegenfuss
Amazing Races Spanning from Outdoor Instruction All the Way to Virtual Reality, Felicia A. Smith
Assessment Roadside Attractions: From Mile Marker One to Programmatic Student Learning, Tessa Withorn and Carolyn Caffrey Gardner
Better Together: Student-Led Collaborative Media Creation, Renee Romero, Doug Worsham, and Annie Pho
Blazing Trails Through an Untamed Wilderness: Improving Your Library's Self-Guided Help, Ruth D. Terry, D'Arcy Hutchings, Jennifer McKay, Anna Bjartmarsdottir, and Daria O. Carle
Bringing Them Up to Speed: Teaching Scholarly Communication to New Graduate Students, Christopher Chan
Caring for Your Community of Practice: Collective Responses to Burnout, Dianne N. Brown and Leo Settoducato
Combating Digital Polarization: Teaching Undergraduates Web Literacy Using "Four Moves and a Habit", Yan He, Paul Cook, Polly D. Boruff-Jones, and M. Todd Bradley
Creativity and Wonderment: Applying Waldorf Education to Information Literacy Instruction, Paul Worrell
Diving into Data Literacy Instruction, Marybeth McCartin, Andrew Battista, and Katherine Boss
Engaging Student Veterans as Researchers: Libraries Initiating Campus Collaborations, Mark Lenker and Melissa Bowles-Terry
Fighting the Hidden Barriers: Applying Universal Design for Learning to Library Instruction for People with Invisible Disabilities, Samantha Cook and Kristina Clement
Fishing for Followers: Putting Students in Charge of Library Outreach, Sarah Parramore, Jonathan Cornforth, Joy Lambert, and Michael DeMars
Flip the Class, Not the Canoe! Methods for Formative Assessment in the Fipped Library Classroom, Kelly Getz and Sarah Fabian
Guiding Students Through Choppy Creative Waters: Collaborative Pedagogy to Empower Ethical Creators, Kelsey Sheaffer and Jessica Kohout-Tailor
Into the Unknown Wilds: Fostering Productive Uncertainty in Information Literacy, Emilla Marcyk and Chana Kraus-Friedberg
Librarians as Threshold Guides: Blazing the Trail with Competency-Based Micro-Courses, Alexandra Stark and Sheila Stoeckel
Lighting the Fire: Gathering Fuel to Build an Undergraduate Research Program, Hailley Fargo
Navigating the Information Ecosystem: Getting Personal with Source Evaluation, IF I APPLY, Kathleen Phillips, Eryn Roles, and Sabrina Thomas
No Donuts, No Doors: Building and Hosting a Virtual Open House, Nykol Eystad and Susan Stekel
Pool Manager, Lifeguard, Swim Coach, Swimmer: Keeping Your Head Above Water with the ACRL Framework, Terri Summey and Sandra Valenti
Promoting Critical Thinking and Civil Discourse via Structured Academic Controversy, David Dettman
Research Meditations: A Low-Stakes Entrée into Research as Inquiry, Kate Hinnant and Robin Miller
Research Ready: Expanding the One-Shot and Collaborating for Student Success, William Cuthbertson, Irene Korber, and Zohra Saulat
Riding the Instructional Rapids: Recognizing & Reveling in Spontaneous Instances of Instruction, Ashley B. Crane, Stacy H. Johnson, Dianna L. Kim, and Lisa Shen
Sink or Swim? A Case-Study Approach to Teaching Information Evaluation, Katie Strand and Rachel Wishkoski
Sparking Curiosity and Research Questions in the Archives through the Question Formulation Technique, Chloe Morse-Harding and Laura Hibbler
Swim Relay: Using a Medley of Techniques to Teach Info Lit Concepts & Mechanics, Samantha Harlow and Maggie Murphy
Teaching Ways of Knowing: The Challenges of Marginalized Knowledge to Understandings of Authority and Authorship, Christine M. Larson and Margaret Vaughan
"The Times They Are A’Changing:" Information Literacy Instruction, Faculty Ownership, and Student Success, Alexandra Hamlett and Meagan Lacy
Traversing New Terrain: Introducing Academic Research to High School Students, Michelle Guittar
Wandering into the Wilderness: Embracing Ambiguity in Information Literacy Instruction, Megan Adams and Rachel Flynn
Why Learn to Swim When You Have a Raft? Motivating Students to Change Their Research Behaviors, Jamie L. Emery and Sarah E. Fancher
You Can't Catch Fruit Flies in a Mousetrap: Teaching Contextual Evaluation of Information, G. Arave
Lightning Talks
Curriculum Lab: An Arts Integrated Approach to Visual and Information Literacy, Jonathan Lee
Getting English Language Learners to the Same Starting Block, Molly K. Maloney
Towards a More *Personalized* Personal Librarian Program: Pitfalls, Progress, and Potential, Audrey B. Welber