May 11-14, 2021
Conference Theme: Information Literacy in a Time of Transformation
Conference Proceedings Editors:
Brad Sietz, Director
Sarah Fabian, Bill Marino
Eastern Michigan University
Breakout Sessions
Activating the ACRL Framework: Active Learning Design for Library Instruction, Meghan Kowalski, Catherine Meals, and Faith Rusk
Agenda-Setting: What a Media Effects Theory Can Add to Information Literacy Instruction, Nate Floyd and Jaclyn Spraetz
Create, Check, Comeback: Using a Solutions-Based Approach to Tackle Instruction, Reference and Research Support Challenges, Veronica Bielat and Katrina Rouan
Crisis Teaching & Active Learning: Beyond the Pandemic, Heather Adair and Ashley B. Crane
Diversify Your Lesson Plans: De-Centering Whiteness in Library Instruction, Nimisha Bhat
Epistemic Injustice and White Supremacy in Information Literacy Instruction, Maggie Clarke
Escaping the Ivory Tower: Building Public-Academic Library Connections During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Joanna Nemeth and Jennifer Rempel
Genre Pedagogies for the Library Classroom: Teaching Sources Rhetorically, Colleen Deel
GoGo Gadget Google Suite: Using Google Suite Tools to Enhance Online Learning, Kristina Bush, Patricia L. Hernandez, and Emily Metcalf
"I Wasn't Excited for This Assignment, But I am Now": Increasing Morale in Political Science Undergraduates Through Engaging Practices, Natalia Estrada
Learning from Failure: Creating Better Subject and Course Guides Using Critical Information Literacy Practices, Jeremiah Paschke-Wood, Leslie Sult, Ellen Dubinsky, and Nicole Hennig
Lights, Camera, Research: The Interdisciplinary Design of Digital Storytelling, Kristin E. C. Green, James W. Hart, Paul Frisch, and Carla R. Seward
Mentoring Graduate Students: Teaching Them How to Fish for Real, Sergio Chaparro and John Cyrus
Mixing Up Your Information Literacy Instruction: Integrating Data Literacy into Your Pedagogical Toolbox, Donna Harp Ziegenfuss
Mounaineer Stories: Growing an Appalachian State University First-Year Oral History Project, Mark Coltrain and Kim Sims
Perfection isn't the Goal, Right? Reflections from Early-Career Librarians on Adapting the One-Shot to an Online Environment, Leah Freemon, Chrissy O'Grady, and Maria Sclafani
Problematizing the Role of Information Literacy in Disinformation, Dialogue, and the Healing of Democracy, Sarah Appedu and Merinda Kaye Hensley
'Remember the Ladies': Uncovering the Voices of Tennessee's Suffrage Movement Through Primary Source Instruction, Jenny Harris and Nicole Wood
Syllabi Studies Take Too Long! Automating a Text Data Mining Approach to Instructional Outreach, Amy James, Joshua Been, and Beth Farwell
The Longitudinal Belly Flop with a Splash: Lessons Learned, Data Gained, Caitlin Bagley, Kelly O'Brien-Jenks, and Nicole Gustavsen
Transformation Through Collaboration: Iterating a First-Year Library Session to Alleviate Library Anxiety, Michelle Demeter, Marybeth McCartin, and Sarah Beth Bailey
Transformative Collaboration of Library Services and Outreach for International and Diverse Students: A Multiple Campus Personal Librarian Pilot Case Study, Racine Amos and Emily Reed
Transforming Instructional Strategies for Student Engagement in a HyFlex Information Literacy Course, Zoeanna Mayhook, Annette Bochenek, and Heather Howard
Transforming Instruction Leadership: What 2020 Taught Us About Supporting the Whole Instruction Librarian, Sarah Norrell
Transforming Privacy Literacy Instruction: From Surveillance Theory to Teaching Practice, Sarah Hartman-Caverly and Alexandria Chisholm
Transitionary Teaching Toolkit: Best Practices for Creating an Accessible and Inclusive Environment for Synchronous Online Instruction, Margaret McLaughlin and Meggan Press