May 5-7, 2022
Ann Arbor Marriott Ypsilanti at Eagle Crest
Ypsilanti, MI
Conference Theme: We Can Do It! Retooling Library Instruction for Today's Learning Environments
Conference Proceedings Editors:
Brad Sietz, Director
Sarah Fabian, Bill Marino, Sara Memmott, Robert Stevens
Eastern Michigan University
Breakout Sessions
Another Tool in Your Toolkit: Teaching with Primary Sources, Heidi Gauder and Kayla Harris
Becoming More Visible: Re-Introducing Library Instruction During a Pandemic, Kel Hughes Jones
Blockchain Technology and the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy, Anthony Paganelli and Andrea Paganelli
Bringing Disability into the Conversation: Creating Anti-ableist Community at Your Institution, Paige Crowl and Elizabeth Novosel
Continuous Improvement and Respect for People: Lessons Learned & Implemented from Studying the Toyota Production System's Principles, Renee Kiner and Kelly Safin
Developing Two Undergraduate Courses in Critical Information and Data Literacy to Advance New College Learning Outcomes, Ashley Shea and Amelia Kallaher
Do Something, Say Something, Be Something: Harnessing the Power of Critique to Advance Information Literacy, Kari D. Weaver, Kate Mercer, Stephanie Mutch, and Matt Borland
Drawing Outside the Lines: Workarounds for Integrating Instruction, Rebecca Eve Graff, Megan Heuer, and Pamela Pagels
Exploring the Evidence-Based Information Literacy Instruction Toolkit: Research-Based Narratives to Fuel Collaborative Partnerships for Learning, Brandon Patterson, Anne R. Diekema, Nena Schvaneveldt, and Elizabeth (Betsy) S. Hopkins
From Credit Course to Tag Partnership: Delivering Customized Information Literacy Instruction, Julie Feighery and Vincci Kwong
Fun-Sized Learning: Partnering to Design an Engaging Information Literacy Scaffold for Online Programs, Sarah B. Stevenson
Handle with Care: Pandemic Teaching Habits We Can and Should Continue in Person, Leah Morin
Hearing the Silenced Voices: White Supremacy Culture and the CRAAP Test, Ayanna Gaines
How Library Instruction Prepared Me for Research Project Management, Vandy Dubre
I am (not) Becky: Critically Exploring Whiteness and Gender in Higher Education Library Instruction, Rebecca Blunk
Influencers, Info Lit, and Learning by Doing: Approaching Setbacks and Failures in the Semester-Long Classroom, Grace Therrell
Information Literacy Integration That Just Makes Sense: Strengthening Libraries partnership with First Year Writing, Mariya Gyendina, Lindsay Matts-Benson, and Lacie McMillin
Joining Forces: When Libraries and Career Centers Collide, Alyssa Young and Lindsey Scott
Knocking Down Deficit Teaching: Practical Methods and Tools to Build on Student Knowledge in Library Instruction, Jenn Sams and Dorianne Shaffer
New Partners: Research Librarians, Educational Technologists & Student Peer Tutors, Glynis Asu and Alexandra Wohnsen
Pedagogical Approaches to Undergraduate Research Experiences in LIS, Hailley M. Fargo and Rosalinda Hernandez Linares
Perceived Authority, Real Consequences: Research-Informed Practices to Teaching Students about Authority & Misinformation, Camille Abdeljawad
Positioning for Presence: Utilizing Campus-Wide Involvement to Advance Library Instruction, Pam Gladis
Scale or Fail: Reinventing a Successful Program Before It’s Too Late, Amanda McCollom and Meg Grotti
Small Breaks: Reimagining an Information Literacy Course through the Lens of Critical Digital Pedagogy, Andrea Wilcox Brooks
The Doctor Will See You Meow: Teaching Contextual Authority via Problem-Based Learning (and Cat Memes), Sam Zelick and Kiana Webster
There and Back Again: Adapting Active Learning Instruction from In-Person to Remote to In-Person Once More, Amanda Wheatley
Using H5P to Venture Far with The BRIDGE's Entrepreneurship Open Learning Series Research 101 Modules, Sarah Shujah and Mariana Jardim
What's Your Research Personality? A New Way of Engaging Students in Resource and Service Discovery Through a Homegrown Quiz App, Troy Walker and Veronica Bielat
Yes-And/Or/Not: Information Literacy and Instruction Through an Improvisational Lens, Jay A. Edwards
You CAN Have It Both Ways: First-Year IL Instruction That Is Standardized AND Customized, Loretta Spangler
Lightning Talks
A Library Peer Mentor Program to Support Student Learning, Career Futures, and a Reference Services Transformation, Julia Maxwell and Faith Rusk
Giving the One-Shot a Second Shot, Kelsey Forester