Dick "Stubby" Cottrill, Oral History Interview, 2022
Dick Cottrill was an active member of the Arm of Honor Fraternity from 1963 until 1967. IN this interview, Cottrill details his upbringing in Flint, MI before arriving in Ypsilanti for college. Cottrill describes his friend Bob Schneider, leader of Bob Schneider and the Collegiates, the Arm of Honor house band, and his efforts in booking the band in various venues around Ypsilanti. Cottrill describes the criteria for joining Arm of Honor and the initiation process, before talking about his employment iwth the first Domino's Pizza on Cross Street in Ypsilanti and how the fraternity house was received in the neighborhood on Emmet Street. Cotrrill also describes the feeling of leaving the fraternity at the end of his active membership.
Interview Date
Eastern Michigan University, EMU, Arm of Honor, EMU Archives, Greek life, fraternity, initiation, brotherhood, EMU Oral History Program, Ypsilanti, All Sports Trophy, frat house, lifelong, membership
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Recommended Citation
Jones, Matt, "Dick "Stubby" Cottrill, Oral History Interview, 2022" (2022). Oral Histories. 152.