Transcript (304 KB)
Dick Look was active with the Arm of Honor Fraternity from 1962 until 1966. Look discusses his personal growth in the fraternity and at EMU, and expresses his appreciation for EMU Dean of Men, James "Bingo" Brown. Look also talks about the presence of the Arm of Honor Fraternity in the coaching field in Michigan. Look emphasizes the importance of a sense of belonging in a community in which all members are mutually supportive. Graduating from Walled Lake High School, Look retraces his journey to EMU, including his father's occupation in the entertainment industry and his own plans for a different life for himself. Look attributes his interest in sports broadcasting to listening to Mel Ott and Van Patrick on the radio as a child. Look also recalls his surprise to be dorm mates with four Black men, the first Black people he had ever associated with. Look also speaks of Gilbert Gregory, an Arm brother on the Autism spectrum, and describes the day that the Homecoming float caught fire during the Homecoming parade. On his pledge "ride," Look was taken to Canada and dropped off. Look speaks of the condition of the house and the lengths to which frat brothers went to conserve their sparse collections of clothing.
Interview Date
Eastern Michigan University, EMU, Arm of Honor, EMU Archives, Greek life, fraternity, initiation, brotherhood, EMU Oral History Program, Ypsilanti, All Sports Trophy, frathouse, lifelong, membership
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Recommended Citation
Jones, matt, "Dick Look, Oral History Interview, 2023" (2024). Oral Histories. 153.