"Jessica "Decky" Alexander, Oral History Interview, 2024" by Elizabeth Allen and Finn Vincent-Fix



Transcript (253 KB)


Decky Alexander is a Drama Professor and the director of academic engagement programs (Engage@EMU) at Eastern Michigan University. In this interview, Alexander recounts how she became interested in theater, growing up in the Chicago area, and the impact college had on expanding her worldview. Alexander describes her theatre initiatives, working to improve harmful public school policies, and how she ended up at Eastern Michigan University. Alexander explains her life during her “year of yes”, getting involved with the Jewish Federation in Washtenaw County, and her involvement in resettling Afghan families into student housing at EMU in 2022. Alexander explores how she thinks EMU can better engage with the international community, her desire to help formerly incarcerated people get an education, and other humanitarian initiatives that she has been involved with.

Interview Date

Winter 2-15-2024


Decky Alexander, theatre, sociology, incarceration, refugee, Eastern Michigan University, Jewish Family Services, Jewish Federation, Jewish community

Permission to Use

Permission to quote from this oral history should be requested from the University Archives (lib_archives@emich.edu).

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