"Jerry Robbins, January 29, 2019" by Matt Jones and Rachel Burns



Transcript (221 KB)


Dr. Jerry Robbins served as Dean of the College of Education at Eastern Michigan University from 1991 until 2004, a period during which the College of Education grew swiftly and sustained its reputation as the largest producer of teachers in the nation. Robbins was awarded the Volunteer Award by the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education in 2005, the President’s Award by the Association of Teacher Educators in 1988, and participated in the White House Teacher Preparation Conference and has authored numerous articles and books on education.

Interview Date



De Queen, Arkansas, Hendrix College, University of Arkansas, AAUP, Boone Hall, University Library, Porter Building, Scott Westerman, EMU College of Education, Young Educators Society, Linda Pritchard, NCATE, Ron Collins, William Shelton, Ypsilanti Community Band

Permission to Use

Permission to quote from this oral history should be requested from the University Archives (lib_archives@emich.edu).

Streaming Media

Jerry Robbins, January 29, 2019
