Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2024
Expressions and attributions of ableism for disabilities that were caused or congenital, Hadlie R. Daigle
Predictors of international students' acculturation processes in the United States, Somaya Eissa
Financial autonomy and happiness in college students: Can they coexist?, Jordyn Gerwig
Evaluating the effects of disability on preferred proximity, Mia Nicole McMahon
Correlation of alcohol use, depression, and social roles in young adults, Eleise Oyster
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2023
Pursuit of happiness: How perceived financial autonomy affects happiness in college students, Maxwell Andrews
Adherence to COVID-19 safety guidelines as a function of depression and anxiety, Derek Berger
The impact of belief in a just world and social dominance orientation on reactions to pay inequities, Sydney Rae Dhue
Beyond 'severe mental illness': A comparative analysis of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia in correctional solitary confinement, Coreena A. Forstner
Examining the Strong Black Woman schema, Kaiya Keiko Haywood
PTSD endorsement among diverse populations during COVID-19 pandemic, Noor Jassim
Examining stereotypes of fatherhood according to the Stereotype Content Model, Basra Keynan
Stereotype threat within the LGBTQ+ community, Chloe Laporte
Psychology and criminology students' attribution of factors contributing to criminal behaviors, Ava Marie Leahy
Coping styles as a moderator between body dissatisfaction and maladaptive eating behaviors, Maisy Seale
Attachment security moderating the effects of social media use on body dissatisfaction in adolescent girls, Jenna Walters
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2022
The impact of father involvement and socioeconomic status on child behavior problems, Delaney Hansen
COVID-19 and its impact on perceptions of healthcare and health-related behaviors, Quinn Higgins
The relationship between introversion/extroversion and COVID-19 health precautions, Kalie Luckett
Assessing the relationship between audience and sport performance in competition during the COVID-19 pandemic, Noah Perrin
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2021
Effect of stress on health of African American women in low income neighborhoods, Jada C. Childs
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2020
Can normative influences ease the effects of social exclusion?, Autumn Chall
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2019
Facebook and emotion regulation, Jennifer DeMent