"Measurement of lipid peroxidation in biology models using gas-chromato" by Madhavi Lokireddy

Date Approved


Degree Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department or School


Committee Member

Dr. Steven Pernecky

Committee Member

Dr. Heather Holmes

Committee Member

Dr. Hedeel Guy Evans


C2C12 mouse myoblast cells, grown in glass vials, were connected to a cryofocusing unit to trap volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The VOCs were eluted from the trap by capacitive discharge into a gas chromatograph with time-of-flight mass spectral capabilities (GC-TOFMS) and were found to include the lipid peroxidation product hexanal. The pro-oxidant cumene hydroperoxide elevated the levels of these lipid peroxidation products, whereas the anti-oxidant butylated hydroxy toluene (BHT) impaired their production. Derivatization of the aldehyde products of lipid peroxidation in the same myoblast cells with pentafluorobenzyl hydroxylamine hydrochloride (PFB) provided evidence for formation of non-volatile products of lipid peroxidation such as malondialdehyde and 4hydroxynonenal.

Similar experiments with the human tracheal epithelial cells, 9-HTE cells treated with Haemophilus influenza bacteria, showed elevated levels of malondialdehyde at 8- hour incubation time intervals giving the initial evidence that the products of lipid peroxidation are formed long before the COX-1 enzyme is activated.

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