"The effect of organization centralization, organization climate, knowl" by Raed Jalal Anabtawi

Date Approved


Degree Type

Open Access Dissertation

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Department or School

College of Engineering and Technology

Committee Member

Alphonso Bellamy, PhD.

Committee Member

Yichun Xie, PhD

Committee Member

Tierney McCleary, PhD.

Committee Member

Julie Becker, PhD.


This study examines variables that may affect new product launches in the automotive industry. The automakers need to have capabilities to address product launch issues when converting their efforts into automotive products that meet consumer requirements. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of organization centralization, organizational climate, knowledge management, and supply chain integration perception on the success and effectiveness of a product launch. The survey samples consisted of 101 respondents from automotive companies. Organization centralization perception, where decisions are made solely by upper management, had no significant correlation to the success of product launch. Analysis of the organizational climate indicated that there was no significant correlation regarding the success of a product launch however; further analysis was performed on organizational climate as a moderator. The results indicated that when organizational climate is favorable, there is a significant correlation with knowledge management, organization centralization, and supply chain. Additionally, the results also showed that when organizational climate is unfavorable, there is no significant correlation to organization centralization; however, there is significant correlation with knowledge management and supply chain. The results also showed significant correlation between knowledge management perception, supply chain integration perception, and the success of a product launch.

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