"Motivations of professional strippers" by Lisa Monchalin

Date Approved


Degree Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Department or School

Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology

Committee Member

Roger Kernsmith, PhD, Chair

Committee Member

Robert Orrange, PhD


This research studied 470 different strippers across the globe through a content analysis of messages exchanged in a stripper-oriented discussion group. Stripping literature has primarily focused on the external rewards of stripping and has found that the primary motivation for engaging in stripping is the economic gain. This research revealed that there are other motivations to stripping beside just economic. Nonmonetary motivations were significantly important to the strippers; and were discussed more than monetary motivations.

Significant unexpected findings included the fact that strippers feel that their job is similar to service type jobs. Multivariate analyses revealed that strippers who discuss non-economic motivations also tended to express economic motivations. Strippers who did hold monetary motivations were very unlikely to participate in any extra sexual favors or go to any illegal extent to make money. This is also contrary to the commonly reported interpretation that strippers are motivated only by economic rewards.
