"Congregate mealsite participants’ self-reported and functional health," by Amy Ramsey


Amy Ramsey

Date Approved


Degree Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department or School

Health Sciences

Committee Member

Judi Brooks, PhD, RD, Chair

Committee Member

Anahita Mistry, PhD

Committee Member

Julie Slack, MSN, RN


The number of older Americans is increasing. Participation in activities is essential for maintaining health and functional independence, preventing or delaying chronic diseases and improving quality of life. Generally, as older adults age, prevalence of regular activity declines. Many older adults are not engaging in activities and are not receiving the health benefits that these offer.

This cross-sectional study used a self-administered survey to examine whether there is an association between attitudes toward aging, self-reported and functional health, and participation in activities among older adults aged 55 and older who attend congregate mealsites in Wisconsin. It was hypothesized that older adults aged 55 and above who attend congregate mealsites and participate in varying types of seven or more health promotion and disease prevention activities would have positive attitudes toward aging and better selfreported and functional health. Results indicated a significant association between variables and can be useful in future studies.
