
Ian Ratz

Date Approved


Degree Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department or School

Health Promotion and Human Performance

Committee Member

Stephen McGregor, Ph.D., Chair

Committee Member

Andrew Coggan, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Christine Karshin, Ph.D.


The purpose of this study was to determine if a seven-day live high–train low (LHTL) simulated altitude exposure could improve (a) anaerobic and/or aerobic capacity (VO2peak) in trained cyclists (n = 10) and (b) VO2peak and/or 400m swimming performance in collegiate swimmers (n=8).

In procedures approved by the EMU Human Subjects Review Board, cyclists performed seven cycle ergometer trials to measure maximal mean power output (MMPO4min), maximal accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD), and VO2peak, whereas swimmers completed five incremental arm ergometer trials (VO2peak) and 400m swimming performance trials before and after LHTL. No significant changes were observed in any measured parameter. Therefore, the conclusion of this study is that a 7- day simulated altitude exposure of 2,500m for 8.5 hours each night is insufficient to result in changes in MAOD, VO2peak, or performance among highly trained cyclists and swimmers. iii


Additional committee member: Tony Moreno, Ph.D.
