"Maturational pace and performance in female collegiate swimmers" by Alan Duski


Alan Duski

Date Approved


Degree Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department or School

Health Promotion and Human Performance

Committee Member

Andrew Cornett

Committee Member

Stephen McGregor

Committee Member

Jonathan Ehrman


purpose of this research was (1) to compare maturational pace between the female collegiate swimmers and non-athletic controls and (2) to determine whether maturational pace differs as a function of performance level. Maturational pace can be quantified retrospectively in women using age at menarche (AaM), with younger AaM corresponding to a faster maturational pace and older AaM a slower pace. Collegiate swimmers were significantly older at menarche (13.60 years ± 1.52 SD) than non-athletic controls (12.75 years ± 1.44 SD). In addition, the top-performing third of college swimmers in our sample were significantly older at menarche (14.06 years ± 1.59 SD) than the bottom-performing third (13.32 years ± 1.35 SD). We can conclude that (1) collegiate swimmers are older at menarche than controls and (2) swim performance is associated with later ages at menarche.
