"How mothers orchestrate their engagement in an early intervention prog" by Patricia Eileen Brennan

Date Approved


Degree Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department or School

Health Sciences

Committee Member

Elizabeth Francis-Connolly, PhD, OTR, Chair

Committee Member

Ruth Hansen, PhD, OT, FAOTA

Committee Member

Valerie Howells, PhD, OTR


A family-centered approach was espoused in IDEA Part C as the context for service to families with young children experiencing developmental delays. A phenomenological inquiry was conducted to explore how mothers of young children with disabilities orchestrate their engagement in an early intervention program, and to identify factors that support their participation. In-depth interviews were conducted with five mothers of children enrolled in a community-based program located in an urban area. An over-arching theme addressing the need for service providers to be “In my reality” emerged. Sub-themes highlighted needs of the mothers to understand their child’s condition, promote their child’s development, and have valued experiences/opportunities for their child. The mothers described how positive and negative informal and formal supports either enhanced or constricted their engagement. The study emphasized how family-centered programming should be the service mode, embracing and facilitating each family’s reality, and not just a stated philosophy.
