"An extensive analysis and testing of wedding dress fabric" by Margaret Krdu


Margaret Krdu

Date Approved


Degree Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department or School

Technology Studies

Committee Member

Subhas Ghosh

Committee Member

Julie Becker


This material analysis explores polyester satin, polyester chiffon, nylon tulle, silk organza, and silk taffeta that are utilized in the wedding gown industry today. Each of the five fabrics are extensively tested in the laboratory to determine cover factor, drape, abrasion, crocking (wet & dry), stiffness, tensile strength, and seam strength. These fabric properties are usually considered to have significant effects on the garment performance. The results from these tests are analyzed, giving a better understanding of each fabric’s individual characteristics to help dressmaking designers further their knowledge and better construct their wedding dress garments.
