"Intention to screen for sexually transmitted infections: A terror mana" by Bernadette Jones

Date Approved


Degree Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department or School


Committee Member

Natalie Dove

Committee Member

Silvia Von Kluge

Committee Member

Stephen Jefferson


The present studies assessed intention and willingness to screen for sexually transmitted infections from a Terror Management Health Model perspective. TMHM proposes that when facing a health decision, people tend to cling to what increases their self-esteem rather than behave in a way that would actually minimize the health threat. The first study hypothesized that exposure to a brochure rife with reminders of “creatureliness” would increase death thought accessibility, while a control brochure would not. No significant difference was found. The second study hypothesized that those with low body-esteem would cling more to what todays culture deems an acceptable body image by showing lower intention to screen for STIs than those with high levels of body-esteem. There were no significant relationships between condition and intention to screen, or body-esteem and intention to screen. This research addresses barriers preventing people from getting screened and discusses screening campaigns within a TMHM framework.

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Psychology Commons
