"Banning the deviant out-group member: the use of anger and contempt to" by Brendan Kirk Molinar

Date Approved


Degree Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department or School


Committee Member

Rusty McIntyre

Committee Member

Stephen Jefferson

Committee Member

Kenneth Rusiniak


Prior research has argued that contempt behaves as an exclusionary emotion generally felt against strangers, whereas anger tends to be an attack emotion felt toward close others (Fischer & Roseman, 2007). Participants were assigned to conditions where they interacted with a target player who was either an in-group or out-group member who behaved in either socially adherent or deviant ways. It was hypothesized that when the player was a deviant out-group member, the participant would experience higher levels of contempt than the in-group deviant, whereas participants interacting with an in-group deviant were expected to experience higher levels of anger than the out-group deviant. The results of the experiment demonstrate that participants tended to desire more control over an in-group deviant than an out-group deviant. The findings demonstrated here can be applied to studies of aggression, group dynamics, and the black sheep effect (Marques & Paez, 2011).

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