Date Approved


Degree Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department or School

Health Sciences

Committee Member

Anahita M. Mistry, PhD, Chair

Committee Member

Judith T. Brooks, PhD, RD

Committee Member

Joan Lundblad, RN, CDE


The goal of this study was to determine the effectiveness of insulin delivered via multiple injections or by infusion via a pump on the quality of life in adult insulin-dependent diabetics. Four parameters, namely hemoglobin A1C (3 month average blood sugar levels), self-reported healthy eating habits demonstrated by consumption of 3 meals/3 snacks everyday, frequency of exercise of daily 30 min or longer duration and opinion of quality of life, were evaluated in patients receiving either insulin injections or infusion.

Pump users reported enhanced eating and exercise behaviors and feeling in good health, compared with patients receiving injections. In contrast, hemoglobin A1C was lower (6.9 + 0.9 %) in patients receiving insulin injections compared with those receiving infusions (7.9 + 0.6 %). Pump wearers perceived that they had a better quality of life, but their glycemic control was not necessarily improved compared to those on insulin injections.
