Date Approved


Degree Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department or School

Health Promotion and Human Performance

Committee Member

Stephen McGregor, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Christopher Herman, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Anthony Moreno, Ph.D.


Thirty-three elite youth ice hockey players wore Bioharness-3 (Zephyr, MD) sensors to compare accelerations (ACC) and heart rate (HR) over four games (G1–G4) in three days, in order to establish changes in cardiovascular stress and physical exertion associated with fatigue. Peak ACC and HR across multiple time frames were quantified and analyzed in conjunction to determine exertion profiles for each game. MANOVAs for peak ACC and HR, at each time point across G1–G4 and multiple games per day (M1, M2) for magnitude and time as main effects were performed. HR beats per minute decreased between G1 and G3/G4 in time segments (3–20 minutes) although ACC were not different. Peak ACC were lower for M2 vs M1 at 60, 90, 120 and 180 seconds. Results concluded the decline in HR, but not ACC, across games indicates a cardiovascular adaptation. The reduced ACC between games M1 and M2 indicate fatigue.

Included in

Physiology Commons
