
Faculty Scholarship from 2017


A peer-relative perspective of the contract year phenomenon using Bayesian analysis, Anthony Koschmann


Applying the geoscience education research strength of evidence pyramid: Developing a rubric to characterize existing geoscience teaching assistant training studies, Kelsey S. Bitting, Rachel Teasdale, and Katherine Ryker


A preliminary study on educating hospitalized geriatric vascular patients on the use of movement-induced computer games to improve exercise attitudes, David W. Thomas and Robert Wolfe


A qualitative analysis of men's experiences of binge eating, Jillian B. Carey*, Karen K. Saules, and Meagan M. Carr*


Arab American cognitive aging: Opportunities for advancing research on Alzheimer’s disease disparities, Kristine J. Ajrouch, Laura B. Zahodne, and Toni C. Antonucci

Archaeological chemistry, A. Mark Pollard, Carl Heron, and Ruth Ann Armitage


Are CSR activities associated with shareholder voting in director elections and say-on-pay votes?, Charles P. Cullinan, Lois Mahoney, and Pamela B. Roush


Artifact of hope: From letters not about hope, Carla Harryman


A selective look at some pre-skinnerian cumulative recording systems and cumulative records in physiology and psychology, James T. Todd


A social constructionist approach to diversity and social relations among Muslim Americans, Kristine J. Ajrouch


Assessing inquiry in physical geology laboratory manuals, Katherine D. Ryker and David A. McConnell


Assessing the impacts of human activities and climate variations on grassland productivity by partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), Zongyao Sha, Yichun Xie, Xicheng Tan, Yongfei Bai, Jonathan Li, and Xuefeng Liu


A study of service wait time and its improvement in ac afeteria using discrete event simulation, Sriram Velumani*, Suganda Pitchiah*, and He Tang


Asynchrony among local communities stabilises ecosystem function of metacommunities, Kevin R. Wilcox, Andrew T. Tredennick, Sally E. Koerner, Emily Grman, Lauren M. Hallett, Meghan L. Avolio, Kimberly J. La Pierre, Gregory R. Houseman, Forest Isbell, and David Samuel Johnson


A systematic review of technology adoption frameworks and their applications, Sahil Koul* and Ali Eydgahi

Automotive vehicle assembly processes and operations management, He Tang


Beyond likes and tweets: Consumer engagement behavior and movie box office in social media, Chong Oh, Yaman Roumani, Joseph K. Nwankpa, and Han Fen Hu


Black women’s advice on the role of confidence in the pursuit of a college degree: Believe you will achieve, Rachelle Winkle-Wagner, Courtney L. Luedke, and Carmen M. McCallum


Body talk, weight status, and pathological eating behavior in romantic relationships, Ellen Hart*, Chong Man Chow, and Cin Cin Tan*


Breast cancer screening practices and related health beliefs among Taiwanese nurses, Tsu Yin Wu and Shu-Ling Chen


Calculus of directional coderivatives and normal cones in Asplund spaces, Pujun Long, Bingwu Wang, and Xinmin Yang


Calculus of directional subdifferentials and coderivatives in Banach spaces, Pujun Long, Bingwu Wang, and Xinmin Yang


Capturing/captured by stories of marginalized young people: Direct scribing and dialogic narrative analysis, Kennedy Saldanha and Lynn Nybell


Caregivers’ abuse stigmatization and their views of mental health treatment following child sexual abuse, Valerie A. Simon, Douglas Barnett, Erin Smith, Lilia Mucka, and Deborah Willis


Cisplatin, oxaliplatin, and kiteplatin subcellular effects compared in a plant model, Paride Papadia, Fabrizio Barozzi, James D. Hoeschele, Gabriella Piro, Nicola Margiotta, and Gian Pietro Di Sansebastiano