Submissions from 2023
Hurons or Eagles? That was the question, Kathy Chamberlain
Addressing the deep roots of epistemological extremism, W. John Koolage and Natalie C. Anderson*
A time of traditions and a time of change: EMU, 1973-2023, John McCurdy
The bicentennial: A prologue, John McCurdy, Bill Nickels, Evan Milan, and Sarah Sawacki
A guardian for justice: The Women's Commission at EMU, Mary-Elizabeth B. Murphy
[Review of the book Punk rock and philosophy: Research and destroy, edited by J. Heter and R. Greene], Kristopher G. Phillips
When pro(?)-football came to Ypsilanti, Steven J. Ramold
Identity and food choice: You are what you eat?, Zachary Tobias* and Jill M. Dieterle
Faculty Scholarship from 2022
Fighting the civic desert: Interdisciplinary approaches to empowering educator, Brigid Beaubien, Amanda Maher, and Jeffrey Bernstein
Ziran: The philosophy of spontaneous self-causation, Brian Bruya
Kitchener and the Dardanelles campaign: A vindication, George H. Cassar
Agency and autonomy in food choice: Can we really vote with our forks?, Jill M. Dierterle
Wilbur on drugs: Antimicrobial use in hog CAFOs, Jill M. Dieterle and Wade Tornquist
Beyond transcendence and immanence: The moral theology of Mordecai Kaplan and Hermann Cohen, Robert Erlewine
Migration justice and legitimacy, Peter W. Higgins
When bad is good: Do good relationships between marketing clients and their advertising agencies challenge creativity?, Scott Koslow, Ardalan Sameti, Guda van Noort, Edith G. Smit, and Sheila L. Sasser
The phenomenological sense of Hannah Arendt: Plurality, modernity, and political action, Laura McMahon
Pieces of the puzzle: The importance of shared governance, Jolie A. Sheffer, Lisa K. Hanasono, Charles Kanwischer, W. John Koolage, Mary-Jon Ludy, Laura Landry-Meyer, Ekaterina I. Noyes, M. Elise Radina, and Jerry Schnepp
Faculty Scholarship from 2021
Three-dimensional wisdom and perceived stress among college students, Monika Ardelt and Brian Bruya
To render Ren: Saving authoritativeness, Brian Bruya
Wu-wei, Brian Bruya
Fluid attention in education: Conceptual and neurobiological framework, Brian Bruya and Yi Yuan Tang
Thunder in the soul: To be known by God, Abraham Joshua Heschel and Robert Erlewine
Covering and the moral duty to resist oppression, Peter Higgins