LOEX Conference Proceedings 2009
April 30 - May 2, 2009
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Conference Theme: Blazing Trails: On the Path to Information Literacy
Conference Proceedings Editors:
Brad Sietz, Director
Randal Baier, Susann de Vries, Sarah Fabian, Suzanne Gray, Robert Stevens
Eastern Michigan University
Preface, Brad Sietz
Are We There Yet?
A New Model for Evaluating the Online Tutorial: Does Your Tutorial Reflect Your Mission?, Paulette Kerr and Jana Valejs
Help Us Help Them: Instruction Training for LIS Students and New Librarians, Amanda Click and Claire Walker
Re-Tooling the Factory: Scaffolding for Library Labs in Large First Year Courses, Joanna Szurmak
Using a Pre- and Post-Survey Method to Assess the Effectiveness and Usability of an Online Information Literacy Tutorial, Lesley M. Moyo
Using Student Feedback to Improve Course Specific LibGuides Content, Karen W. Brown
Where Did (S)he Get Those Skills? An Investigation of ACRL’s Proficiencies for Instruction Librarians, Theresa Westbrock and Sarah Fabian
From Covered Wagon to the Railroad
Developing an Online Credit-bearing Information Fluency Course: Lessons Learned, Rebecca Blakiston, Yvonne Mery, and Leslie Sult
The Embedded Librarian: Integrating Library Resources into Course Management Systems, Emily Daly
Trail Mix: Buffet Style Offerings Using Delicious Bookmarking, E. Anne Kelly
Using Web 2.0 Tools such as Google Apps in Library Instruction Sessions with Non-Traditional Students, Alyssa Martin, Jana Slay, and Kent Snowden
Videos on the Research Trail, Krystyna Mrozek and McKinely Sielaff
Letting the Inmates Run the Asylum: Student Engagement in the Progressive Classroom, Tracey Mayfield and Katy Farrell French
Lighting the Path to Collections Through Collaboration, Brena Smith and Alison Armstrong
No Lectures, No Demos, No Tests! How to Succeed in the Classroom without Even (Doing What You Thought Was) Teaching, Diane Zwemer
Problem-Based Learning Meets Web 2.0: Using a YouTube Video to Teach Information Literacy in a Problem-Based Learning Format, Frances A. May and Annie Downey
Reduce > Reuse > Recycle: Teaching ACRL’s 5th Information Literacy Competency Standard, Catherine Cardwell, Amy F. Fyn, and Carol Singer
Shifting the Language of Research Using Problem-based Learning, Mark Dibble
Off the Beaten Path
Instruction 2.0: Engaging Students and Faculty Through Course Wikis, Kristine Esch Kasbohm and Hazel A. McClure
Save a Horse, Ride a New Train of Thought: Using Threshold Concepts to Teach Information Literacy, Lori Townsend, Korey Brunetti, and Amy R. Hofer
To the Instruction Cave, Librarian! Graphic Novels and Information Literacy, Steven Hoover
Wikipedia, iPods, and Chickens: An Active Learning Exercise to Teach Evaluation of Information, Latisha Reynolds and Anna Marie Johnson
Round Up
Doing it Right: Collaboration, Shared Workspaces, Syndication and Broadcasting at the ANimated Tutorial Sharing Project, Carmen Kazakoff-Lane and Paul Betty
Ethos and Credibility : Collaborating to Develop Students’ Critical Information Literacy, Richard H. Hannon and April D. Cunningham
Git Along Li’l Dogies: A Collaborative Approach to Library Instruction for First-year Writing Students, Jim Kinnie and Kerry Caparco
Technology, Teaching and Faculty : Collaborations that Work, Valla McLean and Carolee Pollock
Treading New Paths: How Creative Collaboration Transformed Teaching the Research Process to USC Upstate’s First-Year Students, Andrew Kearns
What Information Literacy Means to Me: Collaborating with Faculty to Understand Student Perceptions of Information Literacy, Eric Resnis, Katie Gibson, Arianne Hartsell-Gundy, and Masha Misco
Trail Guides
The Path To Assessing Library Instruction: Using Project Management Techniques to Guarantee Results, Lesley Brown
Training the Conductor: Providing Professional Development for Duke University Instruction Librarians, Courtney Mack
Utilizing Students Employees as an Alternative Means of Providing Library Instruction, Stephanie M. Mathson and Joyce Salisbury
From Candy to Clickers: Interactive Activities to Involve Students in Library Instruction, Randy Christensen and Richard Eissinger
Many Paths, One Journey: Mapping the Routes to Information Literacy, Margy MacMillan
Taming the Research Paper, Robert Matthews and Sushmita Chatterji
The Savvy Researcher: Teaching Information Management Skills to Graduate Students, Merinda Kaye Hensley
The Teaching Philosophy Framework: Learning, Leading, and Growing, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe and Beth S. Woodard
Visual and Media Literacy, the Overlooked Competencies: How We are Influenced by What We See, Frances A. May