"Treading New Paths: How Creative Collaboration Transformed Teaching th" by Andrew Kearns

LOEX Conference Proceedings 2009

Document Type

Round Up

Publication Date



What are the special needs of first-year students in learning the research process? How will students come to see information literacy as a process rather than a set of discrete skills? What research and information literacy skills need to be intentionally taught in the classroom and library instruction sessions? How do we as librarians make sure that our instruction session fits organically into the course of which it is ostensibly a part? At USC Upstate, we have addressed these questions through creation of our First-Year Information Literacy Program in three first-year courses, involving creative collaboration between the library, the University 101 first-year seminar, and the Freshman Composition program. Using the ACRL Information Competency Standards as a structural framework, our program includes innovations such as our iPod (Mp3) Library Tour and Assignment, sequenced library instruction, cross-course coordination in introducing information literacy skills, and active learning. This presentation will highlight how and why we have come to teach research as a process, how we have bound the library sessions to the courses of which they are a part, and how we have kept collaboration on track. Reports of student and faculty feedback will be included. This presentation will be planned with ample opportunity for audience participation in order to facilitate a wider discussion of these issues and encourage creative thinking about ways in which participants might enhance their own first-year programs.
